Aleph Strategies conducted a Review of the Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) Agents for the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) engaged by the World Bank Group (WBG) from 2015 to 2019. A Monitoring Agent (MA) was contracted to support the ARTF Recurrent Cost Window (RCW), and a Supervisory Agent (SA) was contracted to support the ARTF Investment Window (IW). The Review Team asked three overarching questions:

  • Did the TPM agents design an appropriate methodology to provide the contracted services?

  • Did the TPM agents deliver these services in line with contractual obligations and quality standards?

  • Were the results of the TPM agent services useful to key stakeholder groups?

Aleph carried out an extensive review of MA and SA literature spanning the ARTF 2015-2019 period. A large volume of qualitative interviews and consultations were conducted in parallel.

 A full version of the report can be found here



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